Discontented with the fact that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Chronicles of Narnia, and King Kong will make approximately eleventy billion dollars at the box office this season (*Update: The real total is $ 1 billion worldwide), Hollywood liberals (redundant, I know) are gearing up for a fight over-- gay cowboys? Brokeback Mountain stars Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal as two cowboys who give in to their forbidden love for one another and must deal with the consequences. Yeah, I don't watch Lifetime movies when they're free. I'm certainly not paying 10 bucks for one. But because I am a Republican with a low tolerance for angsty cowboy melodrama, I am an intolerant homophobe, just like all my red state brothers and sisters. For this and other liberal fairy tales, tune in to this week's West Wing. (*Update: canned)
As reported November 6th on The Drudge Report:
“New York Daily News critic Jack Mathews predicts the gay cowboy movie, which takes place in Wyoming, may be ‘too much for red-state audiences, but it gives the liberal-leaning Academy a great chance to stick its thumb in conservatives' eyes.’”
Silly, rabbit. We don’t give a crap.
The Academy Awards have always been an opportunity for pseudo-sophisticates with too much money and too little education to pat themselves on the back and tell each other how wonderful they are. But I think the tide really turned in 1999, when Shakespeare in Love beat out Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture and its star Gwyneth Paltrow beat out Cate Blanchett for Best Actress. Since then, every year these awards become less and less about merit and more about politics and money. A Beautiful Mind won an Oscar for Best Picture. No really, it did. Master and Commander was up for one. Seriously, y’all! Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger manage at least one nomination between them per year. For what? Who knows? They’re shiny and pretty and as thin as the awards themselves!
If Hollywood is the in crowd of America’s high school, then the Oscars are their prom night and homecoming all wrapped into one. The prettiest, most popular kids always get the coolest table prizes. Occasionally someone will stumble onto a win based on actual talent, but mostly it’s all about picking the hottest dress and most “socially relevant” tripe to star in. The rest comes down to aggressive Oscar campaigns that would make the mafia blush. The best smack down was always between Dreamworks and Miramax, a.k.a Steven Spielberg and Harvey Weinstein, who collectively spent the equivalent of the GNP of Southeast Asia each awards season to make sure their pet projects ended up on top. (For the record, Harvey won battle after battle for awhile there, but I think he’s currently unemployed, so the war goes to Steven). **Correction: Harvey Weinstein is not unemployed. His new production company just released its first film, the hideously miscast crap thriller Derailed, which is currently chugging along down the mediocrity line. So obviously, I was wrong.** Thirty-thousand dollar dresses and multi-million dollar publicity campaigns, and these are the people always begging the rest of us to donate money. Think about it.
There are many reasons to watch the Academy Awards. To see who’s sleeping with whom this hour, to see who’s wearing whom, and to play “Count the Ribbons of Social Awareness,” but the movies themselves are no longer one of them. In addition to industry politics, this is also due partially to the Academy’s stubborn refusal to nominate movies anyone has actually seen.
Take a look at seven of the highest grossing (ergo, most watched) films of the new century. The Passion of the Christ managed 3 nods, for cinematography, makeup, and sound. The three Harry Potter movies racked up a whopping 5 nods between them, for musical score, art direction, and visual effects. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, for all its dozens of awards nominated for and won, ratcheted only a single nod in any acting category, for Ian McKellan, who subsequently lost.
Meanwhile, Oscar Darlings of the 21st century deemed worthy enough to warrant the top honors have included The Cider House Rules (abortion is good!), The Insider (smoking is bad!), The Hours (lesbianism-yay!), The Pianist (directed by forced ex-patriot, statutory rapist Roman Polanski), Million Dollar Baby (thumbs up for euthanasia!), and let us not forget Bowling for Columbine (Guns are eeevvviiilll!!), which has not only the honor of being the most fallacious film to ever win Best Documentary, but also allowed professional ass-clown Michael Moore to spew hate speech all over primetime television. It was so bad other liberals booed him.
So oooh, go ahead and nominate your gay cowboy movie. The only reason any of these movies make it all the way to the Oscars is in the hopes that they will piss off red-state conservatives. The Hours was a god-awfully bad movie. It was boring, the acting was bland, and the overall tone made you think, like Virginia Wolfe, that suicide just might be the only way out. But it let a lot of people without the slightest clue wax on about how hip they were about lesbianism, and more importantly, how vilely homophobic the flyover states were. That’s why these movies do sucktastic box office, you know. Not because of the acting, writing, or directing, but because the rest of us just don’t “get it.” I get it all right. Just like the popular kids rigged Carrie’s prom queen election to toss pig blood on her, Hollywood sets us up with these films they want and expect us to hate, just so they can point their fingers at how intolerant we are. Their emotional maturity was stunted at sixteen. Unfortunately, they must never have bothered to watch any of their movies all the way through. It never works out well for the popular kids.
"They're really good those boys and they did a great job. It's very brave of them."- Madonna, after seeing an advanced screening of Brokeback Mountain.Sorry, but no, that is not bravery. Brave is risking your life to topple a murderous ideology while large groups of white liberals protest you, not getting paid large amounts of money to make out with another guy on camera. But Hollywood does not realize this, because Hollywood is under the delusion, like Madonna, that they are important. And like Madonna, they aren’t.
You know what would be really brave? Hiring actual gay actors to play gay cowboys, not straight ones whose girlfriends co-star (Dawson’s Creek’s Michelle Williams, mother of Ledger’s newborn baby). That’s just stupid. It’s not like there aren’t any homosexual actors available in Los Angeles. Hell, half of the industry prides itself on being (insert prefix here)-sexual. If Hollywood were oh so concerned with accurately portraying homosexuality onscreen, Ellen DeGeneres would have an actual film career. To be fair, Ellen isn’t a size zero with hair extensions and a boob job, so she probably wouldn’t land a leading role even if she were straight. If the producers REALLY wanted to be brave, they’d have made a version of Brokeback Mountain starring Nathan Lane and Alexis Arquette. (*Update: And I think Sean Hayes agrees with me.)
I mean, where’s the sweeping love story of Siegfried and Roy, of Merchant and Ivory, of Spongebob and Tinky Winky? (Just kidding, of course. Siegfried and Roy are TOTALLY straight).
The movie industry is obsessed with pretty. Irregardless of how horrific the conditions of the film might be, war, holocaust, grocery shopping, the stars look really pretty doing it. This is why “going ugly” virtually guarantees an actress an Oscar nomination. It’s “brave.” Ann Coulter wrote about how Hollywood has to create alternate realties in which Democrat candidates are actually attractive and competent. I say the only thing Hollywood likes more than casting beautiful liberal politicians is casting beautiful lipstick lesbians.
Actresses who have portrayed lesbians in television and film include:
Charlize Theron
Liv Tyler
Naomi Watts
Drew Barrymore
Angelina Jolie
Sharon Stone
Jennifer Lopez
Yup, those are some butch dykes right there. In fact, the only butch one in the bunch played a serial killer (Monster). When the soap opera One Life to Live portrayed a gay man as a killer, it was mocked in Entertainment Weekly. When Charlize Theron did it, she won an Oscar (Thus further proving that ugly wins every time). As for the portrayal of gay men in Hollywood, they typically fall into one of two categories: 1) comic relief (Sean Hayes, Will & Grace) or 2) AIDS patient (Tom Hanks, Philadelphia). This is the welcoming tolerance of Hollywood. Lesbians get to become lipstick fantasies for straight men (Wild Things, Bound), while gay men get to either be zany (The Birdcage) or teach us a very important lesson by dying (Rent).
Critics will say that the reason gays portrayed so stereotypically is all because of the red states. Yeah, and we’re the reason African-American, Hispanic, and Asian actors can’t catch a break either. We hate fat people, too. The same year liberals gave the first black (who happens to be half-white) woman a Best Actress Oscar, conservatives nominated the first black woman to be Secretary of State. Halle Berry was the voice of the people. Condoleezza Rice was a stooge for Bush. You do the math.
Asked about whether or not audience reaction was the main factor in openly gay actors losing work, openly gay actor Ian McKellan responded,
"Bullshit, I think that anyone who believes [that audiences would not accept gay actors] is just battling homophobia within themselves." He has pointed out that one of the first roles offered to him after the public revelation of his homosexuality was that of a notorious womanizer, former British cabinet minister John Profumo.” Link
Yes, tell me something. If it’s so acceptable to be gay in the blue states, why do Tom Cruise and Kevin Spacey sue the crap out of anyone who says that they are? I have come to dislike both of them immensely, but trust me; it has nothing to do with their sexuality. (Except maybe for Spacey’s continual assertion that he is straight, damn it, straight!!! That’s just annoying).
“Director Irwin Winkler, who recently made De-Lovely (2004), about Cole Porter's life as a gay composer, acknowledged that the fear of being ‘outed’ as a gay actor still permeates Hollywood. ‘Most of the actors that are gay,’ he said, ‘are not openly gay at all and there are some that we know that if we talked about them . . . would be pretty upset.’"
Well, it could be worse. They could be outed as Republicans.
1. The Great Patriots of
The only politics was being played by Reid and the coward caucus who refused to stand up for our values. Anyone bashing Kerry must be grateful about the failure of cloture. Take it to FR where I have no doubt there's a party going on, celebrating all the spineless Dems who failed to vote for their alleged values.
(How did you guess?)
He deserves thanks for speaking out on the dangers if Alito. And for leading the courageous senators who attempted the filibuster. We have put the country on notice that we won't just lay down and play dead anymore.
(Sit! Stay! Heel!)
Ted gave an AWESOME speech on the floor today!
(That would be the one where he says Alito will kill children with asthma. Yep.)
Your post is Bullsh*t. Kerry acted out of his patriotism and concern for our country and it people. You apparently are picking up the right wing media take on this. Kerry is not at all like the media portrayed him. Please research and read about John Kerry. Don't just believe what you hear. The media doesn't understand terms like honor and principles, they had to come up with something to make the Dem's look bad and boost the repubs. Kerry risked a lot doing this and putting his reputation on the line. Dean supported his effort.
(With Dean and Kennedy at your side, how can you lose?)
once again. remember all youse that said you were gonna get kerry's back, no jumpin on the wagon, wink
and kennedy, listening to his last speech before speech. there was one part where i could just hear him thinking of his brothers, that lost their lives for our country, fighting discrimination. it just felt like his heart was hurting thinking of alito going in and tearing apart all his brothers had a hand in accomplishing all those years ago
(Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.)
JesusChrist on a trailer hitch! The man opened himself up to ridicule again because it was the right thing to do ... win, lose, or draw! He saw a wrong and he tried to right it.
Keep your fucking money and your fucking support. I'll work hard enough for him for both of us. You can owe ME later.
Shit, when are WE going to learn to stop looking for hidden agenda's from our own party and those that stand up and speak out?
So, STFU already.
(Preach on, sista!)
Thanks to the fine Patriots of Massachusetts I SALUTE YOU!
Anything you ask, I will take your back. Thank you so much for standing up for me.
Senator Kennedy: Your fire and passion will stay with me. You were fantastic. Thank you for your service to our country.
Senator Kerry/PRESIDENT KERRY: Thank you sir, I know you are a man of honor. You are
(Yes, Paul
Kennedy for President!!!
(Hahahahahahaha. Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.)
2. All the Rest.
F*CK Lieberman...I hope he gets his pathetic loser ass handed to him in the primaries.
(And he voted against Alito)
Unfortunately, It seems American needs to reach the very bottom
Before, it wakes up out of its coma.
A supreme court nominee just isn't going to do it. Even, two stolen Presidential elections didn't do it. People ponder, just what will it take?
It will take this...
Economic collapse. A depression. Another war...And, that is coming. I think this nomination was far more about giving the President the ability to declare war powers by surpassing Congress then anybody realizes. He can now implement the next war without a Congressional authorization with no fear of judicial repercussions. Bombs away. But, where oh where, will they get the people?
Part one of the above paragraph. A depression (it is coming). The military will take the people who have no means to survive. People with no health insurance and no living wage.
When it affects them to the point that they are gasping for breath...
Then, you will a revolution. But, not until then...
(I am SOO joining an acting group just so I can perform this as a monologue. Dressed in all black and channeling Medea. Eve Ensler will discover me of course, and maybe, just maybe I can achieve my dream of performing in The Vagina Monologues with Bette Midler and Angelina Jolie. *fingers crossed* Thanks, Democratic Underground!)
I'm calling for political CIVIL WAR in the Democratic Party...
I say we get the 25 with guts together in a room with DNC chair Howard Dean, and all the base who can come, and we, before taking back our country, take back our damned party. If we keep electing Dems just to get a majority, and they keep voting like this, what's the damned point? Either they're with us or they're against us. Period.
(Viva La Revolution!)
Let's make those cowards rue the day they...
took us for granted. They don't get our votes just because they have a damned (D) beside their name. It doesn't mean anything anymore. You're right...IT'S TIME!!!
The first shot has been fired...we either stand and fight, or fold the tents.
(*tear* That, ladies and gentlemen, is destined to make the history books.)
I used to respect the New York Times as one of the few readable mainstream newspapers until I read this sentence:
Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has been widely praised for his intellect and integrity but both admired and assailed for his conservative judicial philosophy, was sworn in today as the 110th justice in the history of the Supreme Court.
Widely praised. INTEGRITY? Do racism and sexism count as "integrity" so long as you stay consistent?
(I’m sorry. I didn’t hear anything past “New York Times” and “mainstream newspaper.”)
Roe is not safe, she is on the operating table. All those 5/4 votes to save parts of Roe are gone. Roe itself is still ok, but she will soon be missing an arm or a leg. Maybe if it is bad enough, she will be left brain dead on the table as an empty shell and the Republicans will use her to say that, "See she is still alive!"
(45 million dead babies and counting. Anyone who can write the above and see absolutely no irony probably SHOULDN’T reproduce.)
To every democratic senator who votes to confirm Alito.
I will use every tool available to me to drive you from office. I will take out ads, raise money for your opponent and generally make your pathetic, useless life, even more pathetic.
I will use the considerable resources I have available to me through my work connection and my liberal friends here on DU. I will use the considerable resources I have at my disposal to drive you from office in disgrace.
Hear my voice. Listen to me. You have taken money from me and from other democrats in your quest to win election and you are now turning your backs on us.
If you vote to confirm Alito, it will be our turn.
This is my vow. This is my promise. I will ensure your defeat.
(And on that terrifying note, I’m getting out of here before I have to testify in court.)
Original Screenplay
Paul Haggis & Bobby Moresco for Crash
George Clooney & Grant Heslov for Good Night, and Good Luck
Woody Allen for Match Point
Noah Baumbach for The Squid and the Whale
Stephen Gaghan for Syriana
"We have doubled the number of deaths from asthma this year than we had five years ago, doubled the deaths for children. I wonder why that is? I don't know what you tell the mother when they see the children having that intensity. We pass laws, the president sign them, they go to the court in terms of interpretation, and where will this nominee come out? Will he come on out for that mother who has a child that's got asthma or that parent who's seeing the pollution that's taken place in a pond -- in a lake and whose child has been affected by those kinds of poison?"
-Ted Kennedy, hopefully *fingers crossed* just drunk
NAYs ---25 | ||||||||
Bayh (D-IN) Biden (D-DE) Boxer (D-CA) Clinton (D-NY) Dayton (D-MN) Dodd (D-CT) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Feinstein (D-CA) | Jeffords (I-VT) Kennedy (D-MA) Kerry (D-MA) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Menendez (D-NJ) Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) | Obama (D-IL) Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Sarbanes (D-MD) Schumer (D-NY) Stabenow (D-MI) Wyden (D-OR) |
Well, McAuliffe was real good at making money and real bad at, you know, actually winning anything, so who knows, maybe if Dean bankrupts the party...
Today it looks like half my prediction is coming true.
Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill are privately bristling over Howard Dean’s management of the Democratic National Committee and have made those sentiments clear after new fundraising numbers showed he has spent nearly all the committee’s cash and has little left to support their efforts to gain seats this cycle, ROLL CALL reports.
Congressional leaders were furious last week when they learned the DNC has just $5.5 million in the bank, compared to the Republican National Committee’s $34 million.
Selections are made by an anonymous committee and popularity has nothing to do with it; the sole criterion, museum officials say, is the inductee's influence on politics in Louisiana.
An excerpt from the committee's selection criteria quiz--
a: do nothing
b: wait for the President to call you and tell you to evacuate the city.
c: a&b, and then complain to anyone who'll hear that it was all the federal government's fault that it went horribly wrong.
d: all of the above
Only for a Democrat would "d" get you inducted into any type of hall of fame.I would like to commend Joel Stein on his recent column, "Warriors and Wusses." I happen to be on the opposite side of the issue, but I do admire him for his honesty, particularly in a time when everyone in the Democratic Party is busy pandering to the contrary. He's right. You can't support the troops and not suppport the war. It's idiotic and condescending. And when the Democrats say otherwise, the rest of us, including those troops, know they're echoing poll numbers and not their own beliefs. It's beyond transparent. If you listen to what's coming from the floors of Congress or from the rest of the media, you know that Joel Stein is not the only one who doesn't support the troops. He's just the only one willing to admit it.
Despite the fact that the conversation began with one feminist trying to sooth another, they soon worked themselves into a frenzy. The mere repetition of words such as “patriarchal,” phallocentric,” and “male-dominated” has an effect like the one described in George Orwell’s 1984. If you want to see the “two minutes hate” in practice just attend an annual “Take Back the Night” march or The Vagina Monologues.
-Mike S. Adams
"From where I sit, too many people want to advance their own partisan agendas and cast it as "news." "
-Dan Rather. Yes, that Dan Rather.
...You spend your days ridiculing our nation and our traditions. You mock those who serve our nation and its flag. You revile my son and publicly try to humiliate him in front of a national audience. I have news for you George Clooney — one day the truth about my son will come out and there will be a lot of people in your industry and others lined up to apologize for their efforts to destroy him and our family. You won’t be in that line, though, be cause the plague of arrogance and falsehood will surely continue to blind your eyes and cause your tongue to disgrace the parents who brought you onto the earth.
One wonders how your father would respond, were the roles reversed. One wonders whether your children would delight in someone lampooning your name and besmirching your reputation. You have brought yourself to a low unparalleled by the greats of your profession. Shame on you.
Rancho Mirage, CA
I mean that. I'm just---stunned."He talks about Pres. Bush in the tape and he says he's foolish for ignoring the poll numbers that indicate the American people want him to pull out of Iraq. How do you think he's keeping abreast of all this. It's sort of odd, isn't it? Is he just paying attention to Al-Jazeera? It's not as if he's reading the New York Times, is it?"
-Katie Couric's stunning analysis of Bin Laden's new tape
When a Democrat politician stumps at a church, you see, it's "minority outreach." When a Republican politician stumps at a church, it's a theocratic outrage.
-Michelle Malkin
"As we think about rebuilding New Orleans, surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country. Surely he’s not approval (sic) of us being in Iraq under false pretenses. But surely he is upset at black America also.”
-You guessed it! Ray Nagin.
"I want to thank Jack Abramoff, you know, just because...Who would name their kid Jack with the last words "off" at the end of the name?"
"You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about."
-Ray "Schoolbus" Nagin, trying (in vain) to explain this previous ass-stupid liberal quote:
"We as black people, it’s time, it’s time for us to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans and I don’t care what people are saying uptown or wherever they are, this city will be chocolate at the end of the day."
"This guy [Judge Alito] just creeps me out. He's quiet. He's not a guy who shoots up stores, he dies in a blaze of glory. No. That's not who he is. He's like one of those guys who goes along for years really quietly ... murdering hookers. You know what I mean? That's more him. He's the kind of guy that you live next door to for 30 years, and then all of a sudden a bulldozer shows up, and there's 31 kids buried underneath. You know what I mean? That's his temperament. He's not a junkyard dog. He's not a barker. He's not like a [UN ambassador John] Bolton; y'know, obviously a big bully. No. He's more like a wolf in sheep's clothing. He looks really 'milk toasty'; you want to pet him, and actually, I want to make boots out of him. Y'know. But, uh. No. He's a hunter. And he's hunting for ways to - y'know - (changing tone) 'Balance of power? Oh. That's so '80's. 1780's!' You know what I mean? This is who he is."
-Randi Rhodes, Air America