Tuesday, February 8
A Quagmire by Any Other Name

by Me
Yes, Senator Kennedy, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve gotten so caught up in political correctness and appeasement that we’ve become blind to reality. I would like nothing more than to live in a world where war was never necessary, where kindness and love and reason are the only weapons we need for peace. But we don’t live in that world. We live in one where there is evil, and where that evil is trying to destroy everything good in this world. It may have taken a different form this time, but this is not the first time our world has faced such a threat. And it’s not the first time people have failed to recognize the necessary course the world must take. The people who liken President Bush to Hitler and Stalin only reveal their sheer stupidity and inability to grasp the times we are living in. Many countries who now oppose us truly know the dangers of what ignoring a Stalin or a Hitler can yield. How many millions of people did they have to kill before stopping them was deemed “legal?” If Saddam Hussein had done to any other country what he did to his own, legality would not have been an issue. If it was thousands of American men that he slowly tortured and mutilated, would that have made stopping him legal? If it was British and Italian mothers who had to watch their children slaughtered, would that have given us the right? If it were French and German girls who were trapped inside the rape rooms, would the outrage have been enough then? No really, please tell me what kind of tragedy it would take to satisfy you “wrong war, wrong place,” “no blood for oil” people? How dare you preach liberty and equality and every day spit in the face of the millions of Iraqis and Afghanis who would die to give their children what you already have. Have we become so selfish, so hypocritical that we can really pretend like this is not our fight, that we have no right to use the power God has given us to set people free? Or do you truly buy into the notion that all Saddam Hussein needed was a good talking to? That terrorism can be eradicated by a U.N. sanction? Go back and re-watch the footage from September 11th. Look at the pictures of the children slaughtered in Beslan, go listen to the Iraqis tell stories of mass graves and torture chambers. You tell me what piece of paper would have stopped that. You tell me what right you have to tell our commander-in-chief that making a stand against such evil is pointless, illegal, wrong. You tell our soldiers that their lives are in vain. You tell the Iraqi people that their fight for democracy is a quagmire. I’m sure glad CNN wasn’t around during the Civil War, the American Revolution. Talk about your quagmires. This country was not built by men and women who quit when things got tough. We are a nation of fighters. We are men who fought for the right to worship according to our own beliefs. We are women who fought for the right to vote. We are minorities who have never quit fighting to gain the equality all human beings deserve. We are a nation who has always given hope and refuge to any who decide to make it their own. And we are a nation who knows how to come together in the face of tragedy. We are not, by our very nature, quitters. This does not make us arrogant. It does not make us stubborn. It makes us strong. It makes us wise to the fanatics who shout of fictitious oil deals and imaginary pipelines. It makes us aware of our own media’s hourly attempts to exploit every tragedy and gloss over every victory. It makes us realize that we are made stronger by the strength of our leader, who has not crumbled to the thousands of baseless, slanderous attacks on he and his family by those determined to destroy him. This man withstood a mounting smear campaign by a liberal left who genuinely hate him. They hate him for his boundless faith and unwavering focus. And they cannot understand that that is precisely why so many of us can have such boundless faith in this country, and in its leader.

posted by Jessica at 9:41 PM | Permalink |


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