"This could only conceal a subtle important truth about many of these
people, such as the high rate of personality disorders," Dr. Dietz said. He
added: "The fact is that there aren't many in whom I couldn't find some
redeeming attributes and some humanity. As far as we can tell, the causes of
their behavior are biological, psychological and social, and do not so far
demonstrably include the work of Lucifer."
As part of an extensive, in-depth interview, a trained examiner rates the offender on a 20-item
personality test. The items include glibness and superficial charm, grandiose self-worth, pathological lying, proneness to boredom and emotional vacuity. The subjects earn zero points if the description is not applicable, two points if it is highly applicable, and one if it is somewhat or sometimes true.
So, according to that test, the entirety of the Kerry/Edwards campaign can be officially deemed evil. Yea for science.