Tuesday, February 8
Most vomit-indicing find of the day:
John Kerry, the good soldier,
continues his fight for morality in the military.

Posted by Hellohttp://www.interventionmag.com/cms/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1011&POSTNUKESID=c17e9718093dbc4b7a71923f203f2e4f


By contrast, an actual good soldier, one with a conscience who fights for the safety and freedom of all people, needs to believe certain things. He must believe that his army and his government are acting righteously, that they follow the rules of war, and they are ultimately fighting to make the world a better place. When those beliefs are shaken, his image of himself as a good person whose actions will lead to a better future is shattered. This is what happened to Kerry in Vietnam, which is why he later led a group of anti-war veterans and threw his ribbons away. Thus began his fight for morality in the military and in its civilian commanders

Kerry believed, as my friend does, that morality is an essential part of being a good soldier, and morality trumps the idea of loyalty and obedience by way of silence. The fact that he publicly stood up for this ideal decades ago may have cost him the presidency at a time when the country desperately needs a Commander-in-Chief who understands this principle.So the long war of John Kerry continues, not because we continue to rehash Vietnam, but because we refused to learn anything from it. We are still, as Kerry said in his testimony more than thirty years ago, in the grip of the "John Wayne syndrome," masculinity and patriotism through brutality and racism. Safeguarding freedom and justice and the protection of innocent civilians apparently are not ideas that become ingrained in the hearts and minds of many recruits.

I just--- I just hate liberals. That is all.

posted by Jessica at 5:56 PM | Permalink |