Muslims to march in London to protest cartoon
Q&A: The Muhammad cartoons row (BBC News)
Understanding Muslim Anger over Cartoons (NPR of course)
Jack Straw praises UK media's 'sensitivity' over cartoons
Protests Over Muhammad Drawings Intensify

Some thoughts:
1. We should send Sean Penn in for negotiations.
2. Berkeley wishes they could organize a protest this good.
3. The biggest domestic news today is the furor over Paris Hilton's diaries. America, what a crap, dangerous place to live.
4. Geez, Europe, can't you be more tolerant?
5. Liberals hell-bent on equating Christian Fundamentalists with Islamic Fundamentalists are too stupid to function.
6. Is Cindy Sheehan on a flight to Lebanon as we speak?
7. Anyone who thinks the War on Terror isn't a religious war, but rather "a lack of understanding" is also too stupid to function.
8. Odds on PETA coming out in protest of the unethical treatment of donkeys in the Muslim world: slim to none.
9. Odds on George Clooney making a film about it sympathetic to the Muslim point of view: 3-1
10. This week in the United States Kanye West posed as a martyred Christ (while revealing his addiction to pornography), the mainstream media published a cartoon mocking troops who've lost limbs in battle, and a New York artist revealed his latest masterpiece, Bin Laden as Jesus.
Protests mounted in the streets: 0
Fatwas issued: 0
Flags burned as a result: 0
Effigies burned as a result: 0
Anything burned as a result: 0