(Editor's Note: There were about 200 pages of thoughtful, insightful comments in the same message board, but none of them made me choke on my Dr. Pepper. Besides, after the temper tantrum the Democrats threw during the State of the Union, they deserve whatever they get.)

oh lordie, what's up with his eyebrow?
What's with this Democratic responder's eyebrows? He needs to get it under control because everyone in my room is laughing hysterically at it.
Does anyone else hear the pain in this guys voice. I have money that says he is going to cry at some point tonight!
That eyebrow is just floatin' up his forehead!!!
This has SNL skit written all over it.
wow, what the hell is wrong with his eyebrow
his left brow almost reaches his hairline! lol
He must have borrowed Boxer's stencil.
Holycrap. Someone has knitted his left brow into an eye scarf.
"Look what's happening to our health care. I can't even get this eyebrow lowered without a huge co-pay. And that's just wrong."
If that eyebrow goes any higher it's going to officially graduate into a full-blown toupee.
We should give a quarter and have him go to a junkyard and pay a rat to gnaw it off.
what is with his left eyebrow! I kept waiting for the right one to catch up
Isn't this guy a virtual rookie Governor? And he's going to talk about national security and
O.K. nobody look at him. He's sending some kind of SOS message with that brow. Does anyone know Morris Code?
he sounds like that guy that narrates 5th grade movies for schools back in the 60's
Hi, I'm
The height of the eyebrow is directly proportionate to the amount of emphasis on the phrase....
I've never seen this before.
Why does he keep doing the people's eyebrow?
// Am I the only noticing that he doesn't blink much? //
Maybe. I'm still fixated on the eyebrow...
"God bless the
If Kaine can't control his eyebrow, how can he control taxes?
Democrats never get the clue. Negativity does NOT gain votes.
But that's the point. He CAN'T even them out. One of them is locked in the upright position.
Did he just say "cronyism" and "heal our partisan wounds" in the same sentence? Man, is this putz outgunned in a big way tonight. Sacrificial lamb.
To be fair, the Democrats hung Kaine. he was just elected and has no experience. And they give him to the "gods" as a sacrifice. The cowards with actual experience wouldn't touch it.
I am laughing at this so much I almost puked. Thank You.
My wife was standing in front of the tv with an imaginary thread manipulating the eyebrow.
I laughed my a$$ off. I did not hear a word he said.
He is a mentally retarded Vulcan who had his ears bobbed.
Yeah, they think they can get some Red Staters to listen if he mentions that he was once a missionary, and then he secretly hypnotizes them with his eyebrow.
I think that eyebrow had a mind of its own. It was like liberated from the rest of his body, yearning for freedom.
OMG, wiping tears off my face! My teen thinks I've lost it!! It's the EYEBROWWWWWWWWWWW! It' starring me in the face....ughhhhh!
Based on the applause criteria the dems are for socialism, or as Kanine says "The Third Way" (wink, wink) and against security and freedom. Truly amazing display. I don't think even the casual observer could miss that.
Heard a liberal commentator on the radio call it an attack of the angry eyebrow. LOL!
Kind of like an Eyebrow Rasputin....
"How to Become a National Joke Without Really Trying" Staring Gov. Tim Kaine.
I predict that brow will be back. You can't hold something like that down. Literally.
LOL, that eyebrow was out of control. I'm sorry, I usually refrain from making fun of people's appearances, but as hubby said he's got "space to let" under his eyebrow, he "could get VOTE FOR ME tatooed there...TWICE".
You people are killing me. Go ahead make my brow. Snicker...