Has everyone seen the medals? They look like bagels.
Watch out for guys named Gilooly!
Cool, the Bud horses!
Darnit, I wish horses could ski!
This is a time when I miss the Cold War, it always made the Olympics more interesting.
Jim Lampley's hair is VIBRATING!
They are acting like they are going to start, but I don't believe them. Bob Costas is giving the history of
Bob is lying. At the rate they are going they may be on for about 35 seconds. Then they will have to show part 2 of the Bode Miller interview. After that we have to find out what Michelle Kwan had for dinner.
What's with the Hippity-Hoppity Hats the US Team is wearing? Are they all rappers now?
I'm not artistic enough to understand this....or autistic enough....
Sparks of passion....oh, that I get!
Why did the beating heart split apart ??
And why are they wearing scuba suits??
Hey, where's the Von Trapp family?
Somebody should have handed out the Cliff Notes on the "symbolism" of all this.
Dancing moo cows!
OK...we have the skating cow figurines, the ice waltzers in Gateway costumes, and the fake trees dancing around.
I think I will go get another glass of wine.
By the way, just once, I would like a
What was with the white tunic people? I missed it. They looked like they were in a cult.
Former Italian Olympians...in Armani.
Will there be land-mines on the ice?
LOL!! Maybe.
I want to put a muzzle in Brian Williams mouth.
Just think- if the Olympics are ever held in
Oh now it's a dance party! Why do they have miner's lights on their heads?
Skiing ninjas!
Flaming Boba Fetts are back.
I’m expecting a disco ball to fall any minute.
My God, I have been transported to the 70's! Please tell me that Jimmy Carter won't be there!
Now they have to have some ABBA back there.
Bring out the ABBA!
The French athletes all look like sailors
One day
What an ass.
It's like a retrospective of American music in the last 30 years.
Look for them working at the Home Depot!
I don't think the things on the Mongolians heads are quite dead yet.
"Wouldn’t it be weird if all the music was being played from some guys ipod?"
LOL! Snort!
"It's the end of the world as we know it" should have played when the Iranians came in.
Who's picking this music, anyway?
Why is Susan Sarandon carrying the Olympic FLAG?????
"Dammit Janet!!"
I see the Italian women's supermodel team is present.
Is Mary Carillo a man?
(Yes!!! Yes she is! -me)
Imagine the threats that the Burger King dude gets!
"Ronald McDonald I am going to kill you,"
Yours truly,
ROTFLMAO!!! I am crying from laughing.
OH NO!!!! It's Yoko!!!
Oh crap. Yoko ad she's already screaming.
Thought yoko died of irrelevance.
what the hell happened to Peter Gabriel?
he looks like the photo of Zarqawi we keep seeing.
Imagine all the people
Rioting over cartoons
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
Some day you'll join our jihad
And we'll slay all the infidels
I'm dying here....my middle son just called me....he's laughing so hard he can't talk!! He said, "OMG mom! It's Yoko! What's going on?? Why??"
She's had on the same damn outfit for 20 years.
Guess the lyrics were never translated into Arabic or Farsi.
Final surprises anyone? The Pope ski jumps into the stadium?