Thursday, February 9
I honestly love this man.
Howard Dean Compares President Bush to President of Iran

Howard Dean made an appearance on the ABC's 'Good Morning America' on Thursday and compared President Bush to the president of Iran.

The DNC Chairperson was desperately trying to convince the viewers of the program that Democrats are strong on national defense when he said, "All we ask is that we not turn into a country like Iran where the president of Iran can do anything (he) wants at anytime."

For Republicans, Howard Dean is just the gift that keeps on giving.

The DNC chair engaged in a fast paced interview with ABC host Charlie Gibson, and again was trumped by a morning talk show host. When Gibson asked Dean to explain why the Democrats were perceived as being weak on national defense, Dean first argued that they weren't.

He then said President Bush was the one that was weak on defense and that "(The White House) has a great propaganda machine, but the fact is - they haven't delivered on American security."

Charlie Gibson then pointed out that a poll showed that 64% of Americans believe that the country is a stronger country now as opposed to before 9/11, and noted that stat was "game, set and match," for the Republicans.

Dean again argued that America is not safer and said he didn't believe the poll and the interview deteriorated into the Bush/Iran comparison.

posted by Jessica at 5:45 PM | Permalink |