Sen. Ted Kennedy has sent out a shrill fundraising letter accusing Republicans of posing an "imminent danger to the nation.”
He even accuses President Bush, along with Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, of "poisoning” the water and air.
The letter, which seeks contributions for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, begins: "The reckless abuse of power by George Bush and his right-wing allies is an imminent danger to the nation and must be stopped.”
The letter singles out for defeat Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Katherine Harris, "the notorious GOP state official who gave George Bush the presidency in 2000,” who is running for the Senate from Florida.
Despite the significant progress that has been made in Iraq, the letter states that the administration’s "claims of progress bear no relation to reality.” Kennedy cites no particulars.
Kennedy, never a close friend of the Pentagon, chastises the GOP with the charge that the White House "ditched a major defense bill just before the August recess.”
The letter goes so far as to claim that the Republicans have "poisoned our air and water by repealing key provisions of our hard-won environmental protection laws.”
The letter sent out under the letterhead of the long-time Senator from Massachusetts also charges the administration with "packing the federal courts with right-wing judges” and characterizes the right-wing agenda as a "radical grab for power.”
Kennedy complained the White House is refusing to "cough up key background information on John Roberts.”
The letter seeks contributions of "$50, $75, or even more,” which will "help put a democratic majority back in control of the senate in 2006!”