Saturday, March 5
According to the Toronto Star, that Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy is heating up again.
Make no mistake: Both sides, left and right, of the debate are angry. The paradox is, the one that's winning, the one with control of the government, the judiciary and most of the corporate world, including the media, is the side that plays the injured party, as if the left has its Birkenstocks on the right's collective throat.
Which is why, during the U.S. presidential campaign, we saw supporters of Vermont governor Howard Dean dismissed as a "tax-hiking, government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show."
In short, the "liberal elite."
It's also why Democratic candidate John Kerry was derided as "the second most liberal senator after Ted Kennedy."
Never mind that liberals fought for social security, civil rights, reproductive freedom, environmental protection, child labour legislation and the G.I. bill. Thanks to the right, its media mouthpieces, and a lack of cohesion on the left, knowledge of liberalism's benefits has slipped down the memory hole.

"Conservatives push the idea of a liberal bias in media, academia and Hollywood," he says. "This keeps the focus on areas of real or apparent liberal strength, without acknowledging conservative or pro-corporate influence in major social institutions."

"The conservatives support their intellectuals," he admonishes. "They have media studios down the hall in institutes so that getting on television is easy. Eighty per cent of the talking heads on television are from the conservative think tanks. Eighty percent." If by "television" they mean "Fox News" and "The 700 Club," then yeah, I'll buy those numbers. Otherwise, hahahahahaha. hah.

How do you argue with lunatics? I love any editorial that talks about mean name-calling Republicans, and then calls Ann Coulter a banshee without a hint of irony. I wish there was a Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy, but there isn't. That would involve a level of introspection and cleverness that liberals are incapable of possessing. If these people have their way, they won't have to worry about our influence on major social institutions, because there won't be any left. There will, however, be lots and lots of "reproductive freedom."
posted by Jessica at 2:12 PM | Permalink |