Tuesday, February 15
Oh, WE'RE racist.
"The Gift of Howard Dean"

Democrats have lifted to leadership a man who recently said he “hates Republicans.” This at least separates him from the rest of the Left, which hates America and prefers it be reconstructed in a more … well … Soviet image. No, Howard Dean just hates Republicans, a stance that by necessity must include those on the Right who were discontented enough with President Bush to initially support Dean for president. Well, maybe not those Republicans, but … oh, skip it.

Secondarily, Dean cannot help being the gift that keeps on giving, by simple virtue of his being himself, a contention artfully confirmed in
Saturday’s Washington Post: “Incoming Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean spent [last Friday, 11 February] in a series of meetings with valued Democratic constituencies at the Hilton Washington …. He surveys the crowd [at the 5pm meeting with black constituents] of 150 crammed into the room. ‘You think the RNC could get thus many people of color into a single room?’ he marvels. ‘Maybe if they get the hotel staff in there.’”


You know, they can keep on acting like the Bush administration is lilly white, but anyone not suffering from acute glaucoma can see the truth for themselves. And when Dean's failed 2008 bid ends with Dr. Rice kicking his lilly-white ass back into irrelevancy, I'm sure he can still find work as hotel staff.
posted by Jessica at 8:33 AM | Permalink |