As governor of Vermont, Dean promoted homosexual civil unions. His presidential campaign stumbled over clumsy attempts to display biblical literacy and religious values. At one point the governor was quoted as declaring that the Book of Job is his favorite New Testament book.
The eventual Democratic nominee for President, John Kerry, professed himself uneasy about talking of his Catholic faith, and his pro-abortion-rights views generated a lot of criticism from his church leaders.
Dean told the women not to say that the Democrats are pro-abortion. "We are not pro-abortion!" was his lead off sentence. "There is not anyone I know who is pro-abortion." The former governor attacked the Bush administration for there being more abortions per capita than there were under President Bill Clinton. Dean embraced Clinton's goal to make abortion rare while allowing women the right to choose. The incoming leader of the Democrats also recalled how an evangelical supporter from Texas had told him that her compassion encompassed more issues than just abortion.
Dean mocked the Republicans as family values hypocrites. "The GOP wants to cut the money for feeding kids. They only get two of the values of the New Testament. Do they talk about having walked among the least of these?"
Comparing the Republicans to Sadducees and Pharisees, Dean said, "I haven't heard the Republicans talk about that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man through the gates of heaven."
Dean declared that though the Democrats have tried to follow maybe 25 of the 27 main values of the New Testament, they have been poor at communicating this story. Invoking God, Dean declared, "Lord, family values—how could we possibly lose! We are the party of family values!"
A few delegates that CT interviewed articulated a Christian approach to politics. Charles Saechting, chairman of the Texas Democrats, regaled his audience with declarations that the Republicans "are probably the least Christian party that has ever been." He talked of his own upbringing by an African American who became a pastor, but also unconvincingly argued that "pro-life falls within the pro-choice belief."
Okay, Deaniacs, here are the major problems with your new little revival:
1. Conservatives aren't against women, or anyone else making "choices." We are against sucking unborn children into vaccums. Because you place no value on innocent human life, all of your statements about "family values" are in essence, a hypocritic pile of horsesh*t to us. No matter how many scriptures you quote, we will not suddenly decide that a 14-year old girl can have an eight month old "fetus" murdered without telling her mommy and daddy. Give it up.
2. Here's a tip on courting religious voters: calling us Pharisees, when that is precisely what YOU are, is not going to win you any votes. It just makes you look stupid. And desperate. Which apparently you are.
3.Anyone who spends time counting the number of "values" in the New Testament is obviously missing the entire message of said Testament.
4. Camel, needle eye, yeah, we've heard it. He said it's harder, not impossible. He also said suffer the little children, but I don't think he meant by cracking their skulls open in the womb and sucking them into a trash bag.
5. "We are the party of family values!" Hahahahahahah. I have nothing to add. As long as you believe that, you will join Terry McAuliffe's grand losing record. You just might beat it. Yeaaaaahhhh indeed.
Matt 7:15-20:
15"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Therefore by their fruits you will know them.