Kerry Hedges on Form 180
IMUS: You also told Tim that you would sign Form 180 releasing all of your military records. Have you done that?
KERRY: Yeah. We're (me and my other personalities) gonna do that. Absolutely, I will. But listen, I also think ...
IMUS: When are you going to do that?
KERRY: As soon as I get, as required by the military, precisely ...
IMUS: Why don't you do it today?
KERRY: Because I have a stack of different material they sent me. Every time they send me something I want to know what they sent me. (I get a lot of invites to officer's dances and stuff, flag burnings, what-not) I'll get it done. ...
IMUS: By noon today? (high noon)
KERRY: No. But shortly. (when Halliburton freezes over)